Sunday, June 9, 2013

Testing Program, New Feature, and More

Hey there Chobots! :D Over the past few days we've had tons of updates and even new features added to the game. First off, introducing the Phase 6 testing program!

The Chobots staff set up for users to send in applications. Only ten slots were available for the Phase 6 Testing. After applications were sent in we now have our testers. :D Here they are:


Testers will test out new features or make sure there aren't any bugs in-game. 

Also, besides the Testing Program, we now have our Choboard winners. :D You may recall the ChoBoard contest lasted for five days, and now it has ended. 

In first place we have Bright, following behind her we have Lucas in second place. And, in third place we have Vasa12345.

The winners received these awesome prizes:

First Place: 5,000 Bugs and 7 Days of Citizenship.
Second Place: 4,000 Bugs and 5 Days of Citizenship.
Third Place: 3,000 Bugs and 3 Days of Citizenship.

In addition, yesterday we had Game Night. This was the first Game Night of June. :)

Here's our winners:

Asteroid: Destrotant
Pinball: Rockstar
Mechanical Crab: xFade
Robot Factory: Jinx
Sweet Battle: Waffle1
Palm Painting: Sorry
Chobots Racer: Feryat
Garbage Collector: HarryTheBest
Space Racer: Likeqeilx33
Tug O' War: Hanicka
Sliders: Coingirl86
Checkers: TheUFO
Chess: Chemical
Cow Mission: Arthas
Coins Rain: Helperkelsey

Congratulations to all the winners! Each winner will receive 6,000 Bugs, 10 days of Citizenship and the Game Controller which is an exclusive Game Night prize. Remember, Game Night is every two weeks, so if you didn't win this time you can try again. :D

Finally to conclude this post we have a new feature in Chobots! Well, not completely new. We used to have Twitter in-game back during the beginning of .net For some reason it was removed. However, now it is back.

To the right side of your screen, below your help button, (or below your Citizen short-cuts if you're a citizen.) you will notice a little bird icon. Just click the button and verify your Twitter account with it. And, now you're able to Tweet. :D

Please note: Twitter is intended for users ages 13 and up. Please ask for your parents permission before registering.

A pretty awesome feature!

Also, if you click on your Friend's list you will notice the Twitter icon. If you click it, it will Tweet your Chobot's location.

This is an example of what the Tweet will look like:

Have a great week everyone! :)


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