Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Nicho-Free Celebration

Hi there Chobots! You probably have seen the user named, "Ghost."  He even has a Twitter. Well, he's actually NOT a user, or even a Chobot in fact. He's just simply, a plain ghost. Recently, he informed the Staff Member, ToastyTim that the Nichos had officially surrendered. 

In celebration that the Nichos have surrendered, ToastyTim has decided to host a wicked party! The party will have lots of colorful Magic to celebrate not having any more Nichos. Also, remember to wear the colors Blue and Purple. 

This event will be held at Mission Street on Friday, October 18th, at 8 PM Cho-Time. If you're confused on the exact time, you can refer to this countdown below: 
Also, if you're wearing a really cool outfit that you incorporated Blue and Purple with, you might win an awesome prize! 

See you at the party,

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